Board of Review Guide
Our Troop Committee will now offer an additional way for you to request your Boards of Review. Starting now, you can email a request for a Board of Review to the following email address:
Make sure to include:
Patrol Name
Rank for review
A parent or another adult email on the request.
All submitted requests will be responded to within 48 hours. You will be contacted with a date and time that your Board of Review is scheduled. Requests will be handled in a “first come, first served” manner.
Please remember the following points when requesting a Board of Review:
Please make sure to have all requirements, including a Scoutmaster conference, completed before requesting a Board of Review.
Please arrive for your Board of Review in clean full Class A uniform (complete with appropriate patches). If you do not own a full Class A uniform, please let the members of your Board of Review know.
“Be Prepared”! Review all of the requirements for the rank advancement you are requesting prior to arriving for your Board of Review. Be sure to have your Camping Log and Service hours up to date.
Bring your Scout Handbook, complete with all signatures to the Board of Review. We cannot complete the Board of Review if the documentation is not present and complete.
A Board of Review is just that – a review of the requirements for a particular rank. Come prepared to discuss these requirements – if you cannot, we cannot complete the Board of Review.
Be able to discuss your plan for your next level of advancement.
HINT – The Scout Oath, the Scout Law, and the Scout Motto will be included in every Board of Review.
😎 The Committee Board of Review is the FINAL step in rank advancement. A rank advancement is not achieved until a Board of Review is conducted and completed.