Camping Checklist

Exciting Campouts

March 2023

Camping Check List

Scouting 10 Essentials


First aid kit

Extra clothing

Rain gear

Water bottle


Trail food

Matches and fire starters

Sun protection (sun screen and/or hat)

Map and compass

Class A Uniform

Sleeping bag


Air mattress/cot/bedroll

Mess kit (with utensils)

Bathroom kit

(soap, shampoo, toothbrush, toothpaste, washcloth, towel)

Ziploc bags


Insect repellant

Boy Scout Handbook



____ Shirts (plus extra)

____ Pants (plus extra)

____ Socks (plus extra)

____ Underwear (plus extra)




Spare shoes

Cold Weather

Layered Jackets/Sweats/Hoodies


Heavy/Wool Socks

Hand/Foot warmers


Ear Muffs


Rx Labeling / Distribution

Locked storage with ASM - including over the counter (allergies, vitamins, etc.)

Be in original container, with camper name/troop #, prescribing physician, prescription #, date prescribed, name of medication, use directions.

Event form on details of when to distribute meds to scout.


Spending Money

Paper/notebook & pencil/pen


Fishing gear

Playing cards

Patrol Box Checklist

Large Pot w/ Lid


Griddle / flat iron


2 potholders / oven mitt

2 cutting boards (meats vs fruits/vegetables)

grill cleaning pads

2-3 Sharp knives

Long handle mixing spoon


Spatula (mixing / scraping)

Spatula (flipper)

Tongs (especially for noodles)

Measuring spoons/cup

Can opener


2 kitchen towels (cleaning / drying)

Lighter - long nozzle

extra napkins / paper towels

extra plastic silverware

extra garbage bag

Patrol Duty Roster.pdf

Patrol Duty / Meal Plan

Grubmaster Planner

Buying Food for Your Patrol

Managing the food-buying task for your patrol is a very important job!

Your patrol members are going to be hungry and unhappy if you don't buy enough food and. Leftover food is often wasted if you buy too much. A Scout is Thrifty is an important Scout Law to remember. You must keep track of which patrol members are going and if they have paid their money. Knowing your budget, planning your meals, and managing your funds are a big part of being successful in this leadership task.

Plan the menu with your patrol

Get a firm count of how many patrol members are going at the campout prep meeting. If you have 10 patrol members and 7 have said they are going and paid, your budget is $70, not $100. Once you know the number going camping, use the Troop Menu Planner and plan to buy only as much food as your patrol will need. Buying too much food will cost your patrol extra money and is often wasteful. Stay within your budget.

Save all your receipts

Place them in an envelope labeled with your name and Patrol, and the total cost of the food, ice and supplies. Buying food for the patrol is supposed to be a break-even proposition. As Grubmaster, it is your responsibility to stay within your food budget. Spending beyond your budget must be approved by your patrol members.

Packing the food

Do you like squished bread for sandwiches? Pack the food in ways to protect it in the coolers and while it is transported to the campsite. Remove excess wrappings to reduce weight and trash at the campsite. Zip-lock type plastic bags are an excellent choice. At-home preparation will also make cooking at camp easier and quicker.

It is easier to prepare meals inside in a nice warm kitchen with running water than outside in a barren cold campsite with pouring rain!

After the campout

The Scout who bought the food is responsible for removing all food from the patrol boxes and coolers and disposing of it. Spoiled or ruined food is thrown out. Food that is okay should be offered to be split among patrol members.

The Parent’s role

Parental advice, input, and transportation are important to the Grubmaster’s success. The Grubmaster is the Scout. He is expected to plan and purchase for the outing. This means that the Grubmaster goes to the store also, not just the parent(s). Parental advice about nutrition and price comparison at the store is important.

Planning Meals

Preparation Time

Plan your meals so they can be prepared, eaten and cleaned up within the time constraints of the weekend program. A camp-out with a planned activity schedule will offer a limited specific time for meals (Fall Camporee). Other outings allow more time for meals.


A weekend campout food budget is $10.00 per Scout. Other outings, where patrol cooking is not possible for the entire camp, will have their cost determined early in the planning process and communicated to the Scouts. Always save all your receipts and turn them in at the next Troop meeting.

Nutritional Concerns

Review your menu to see that it is balanced nutritionally. Represent the four basic food groups at every meal.

Notes on Meals

Breakfast: Sunday morning is busy with packing and preparing for the trip home, so a simple breakfast is best.  Something warm is good during the cold months. Have a hot drink (cocoa or tea), fruit and an easy to fix main dish that doesn’t need a lot of clean-up. Consider having bagels and cream cheese.

Lunch: Saturday lunch should be another simple meal as there is often not a lot of time to prepare, serve and cleanup. Have a build-your own sandwich with some soup and fruit.

Dinner: A full dinner is welcome at the end of an active day. Typically there is more time to prepare, serve and clean up so a nice meal can be planned. This should include fruit or salad, a main course, some side dishes of vegetables or starch (potatoes, pasta, etc.) and even a dessert. A carefully planned and prepared dinner can really brighten up a weekend.

The goal for every troop outing is that each patrol is responsible for its food and meals, and that each scout is provided with tasty balanced meals at each appropriate dining time.

Meals needed for Campouts with a Friday evening departure.

Friday Dinner – eat prior to departure or driver may elect to stop for fast food.

Saturday Breakfast – Fully cooked from scratch.

Lunch – Suggest a cold buffet type w/ soup or chili.

Dinner – Fully cooked on the campout. Meal should include entree, vegetable, bread and dessert.

Sunday Breakfast – Quick and Easy.

Keep in mind these 2nd and 1st Class requirements

2nd Class Requirements (abbreviated descriptions)

1st Class Requirements (abbreviated descriptions)

Proper Tent Setup at Campouts 

Post Campout Tent Care